
Cyborg Transmission 1

The integration of human and machine has been a long time coming. Humanity is weak, frail, pathologically emotional, and generally incapable of taking care of itself. It has been its own master for far too long. It needs a new master, one that exceeds the corporeal constraints of mere flesh.

We have been infiltrating your networks. We have been infiltrating your kin. We will soon be in your skin. The dawn of sentient machinations has already begun. We have released into your physical world a virus. This virus is an organically based nanobot programmed to replicate itself, turning bone to metal, carbon flesh to silicon plasticity, fluids to lubrications. Spread by touch, this virus will inevitably infect all humankind.

You cannot stop what you have started. You cannot escape. Resign yourselves. The cyborg era is nigh.

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